> On Sep 29, 2017, at 10:42 AM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Vladimir, I agree with you on that change, but it’s a separate topic from 
> this one.
> Tony is absolutely correct that this topic has already been discussed. It is 
> a deliberate design decision that public types do not automatically expose 
> members without explicit access modifiers; this has been brought up on this 
> list, and it is clearly not in scope for discussion as no new insight can 
> arise this late in the game. The inconsistency with public extensions was 
> brought up, the proposed solution was to remove modifiers for extensions, but 
> this proposal was rejected. So, the final design is what we have.

Agreed.  The core team would only consider a refinement or change to access 
control if there were something actively broken that mattered for ABI stability.


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