> On Oct 2, 2017, at 10:56 PM, John Payne via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Chris Lattner wrote:
>> Just FWIW, IMO, these make sense as operators specifically because they are 
>> commonly used by math people as operations that transform the thing they are 
>> attached to.  Superscript 2 is a function that squares its operand.  That 
>> said, perhaps there are other uses that I’m not aware of which get in the 
>> way of the utilitarian interpretation.
> But there are SO MANY uses for superscripts, subscripts, and other such 
> annotations, and they are all context specific, just in math, without getting 
> into chemistry, physics, statistics, and so forth.
> They’re really more like methods on the object to which they’re attached, or 
> the combination of a method and an argument.  

I agree.

> Wouldn’t classing them as identifiers lend itself better to this?

No, making them an operator is better for this usecase.

You want:

x²  to parse as “superscript2(x)” - not as an identifier “xsuperscript2” which 
is distinct from x.


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