not to rain on anyone’s parade here but y’all are aware unicode
superscripts don’t even form a complete alphabet right? This kind of syntax
would really only work for positive integer literals and I don’t think
making a wholesale change to the language like this is worth that.

On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 1:19 AM, Swift via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> Going a little further...
> It’s not hard to imagine a situation where the *order* of a trailing
> annotation matters. Ie, that X²₃ is a different thing from X₃². (X squared
> sub 3 ≠ X sub 3 squared)
> So i think you’d want an array of trailing annotations and an array of
> leading annotations, where an annotation is either a .superscript(U) or a
> .subscript(V). That way you’d be able to preserve the (potentially)
> relevant order.
> Dave
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 5, 2017, at 12:04 AM, John Payne via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2017, at 10:56 PM, John Payne via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
> Chris Lattner wrote:
> Just FWIW, IMO, these make sense as operators specifically because they
> are commonly used by math people as operations that transform the thing
> they are attached to.  Superscript 2 is a function that squares its
> operand.  That said, perhaps there are other uses that I’m not aware of
> which get in the way of the utilitarian interpretation.
> But there are SO MANY uses for superscripts, subscripts, and other such
> annotations, and they are all context specific, just in math, without
> getting into chemistry, physics, statistics, and so forth.
> They’re really more like methods on the object to which they’re attached,
> or the combination of a method and an argument.
> I agree.
> Wouldn’t classing them as identifiers lend itself better to this?
> No, making them an operator is better for this usecase.
> You want:
> x²  to parse as “superscript2(x)” - not as an identifier “xsuperscript2”
> which is distinct from x.
> -Chris
> I’m not competent to evaluate the implications of that, but let me just
> pass along what makes sense to me.  For all I know it may be a restatement
> in different words, or a higher level view which your approach enables, or
> I may just have no grasp at all of what’s involved.
> For brevity I’ll refer to superscripts, subscripts, etc. as annotations.
> An object may have more than one annotation, as with chemical elements
> which are usually presented at least with both their atomic number and
> atomic weight.  Moreover, in some circumstances it might not be possible to
> evaluate the significance of any single annotation without taking one or
> more others into account, so it might be important to present them
> together, as in a struct or a collection.
> Taking them singly, their significance is three part: 1) the type of the
> object, 2) the position of the annotation, and 3) the value of the
> annotation.
> I would parse x² as x.trailingSuperscript(2), or better yet…
> where X is the type of x, X.annotations would be a struct, similar to the
> following
> struct annotations {
>     leadingSuperscript: T?
>     leadingSubscript: U?
>     triailingSuperscript: V?
>     trailingSubscript: W?
> }
> Taking this approach, x² would parse as x.annotations.trailingSuperscript
> = 2, and would fail if X made no allowance for trailingSuperscripts.
> Annotation values are frequently variables, xⁿ for example, and this is
> the main reason it seems reasonable to me to class the value as anything
> permitted by the type associated with an annotation in that position for
> the overall type in question.
> I’ll read any replies with interest, but I don’t think I'll have anything
> more to say on this subject myself.
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