Was there any progress made on this? It almost feels like were not going to 
move to a forum until Swift 6-7. Would be interesting to see a sign of progress 
here. :)

Am 3. August 2017 um 23:14:16, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
(swift-evolution@swift.org) schrieb:

When moving to a forum, the problem becomes a thread splintering to an 
overwhelming tree. I'd prefer to see a single primary thread (as in the mailing 
lists) with breakout threads for working groups. These could be built either 
around already identified areas (see manifestos) or future directions (such as 
mathematics, fp, merging features from other languages). 
I think announce should announce.  One thread, one purpose.
I think evolution should have a review forum: one thread for each proposal.
Pitches and RFC should have their own forum, with individual threads. The 
dangers here are (1) losing good ideas, (2) good ideas that are timed poorly, 
(3) redundant ideas from not having found previous discussions, (4) well 
intentioned but inappropriate ideas. Having a way to filter types 3 and 4 out 
to a subforum to raise the S:N should be possible but will require some kind of 
moderation (such as Xiodi Wu has put such effort into supporting)
Working groups need their own development area. There needs to be some sort of 
top-level organization to make this usable ("Generics", "Dispatch", 
"Calendar/Clocks/Time", "Mathematics", "Strings", "Collections", whatever), but 
there should also be a level of flexiblity. I'd recommend giving manifesto 
topics initial priority at the top level but I'd also suggest that there have 
to be some kind of effort to open a new discussion area, to limit the number of 
"ghost forums".
A SE version of a FAQ, be it "Commonly Proposed"/"Commonly Rejected" and some 
kind of Quinn-like Eskimo support for directing and moderating.

The measures of success are:

* Can track news ("announce")
* Can participate in active reviews
* Can read archived reviews
* Can pitch and develop proposals as part of a working group
* Can search for previous discussions
* Can look up whether common topics have already been hit 
* Can support a small and well-populated forum hierarchy with few orphans and 
* Communicates that the forum is a non-social working area and a public record 
of language development.

-- E

On Aug 1, 2017, at 11:13 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

A while back a decision was reached to move from using mailing lists for 
swift-evolution to using a forum, specifically Discourse.  At the time that 
decision was made, efforts had been already well committed for supporting the 
development of Swift 4 — including efforts supporting important infrastructure 
efforts such as the source compatibility suite.  I apologize for not providing 
more transparency in why moving to a forum was being delayed.  Some things took 
longer than expected.

To be clear, the plan is to still move to Discourse, and with Swift 4 winding 
down there is now bandwidth to focus on making the transition from mailing 
lists to a forum.  As part of that transition, I’d like to get some feedback 
from the community.

There has been some good conversations on this mailing list on how 
swift-evolution can possibly evolve to better serve the needs of the community. 
 I’m not talking about whether or not we use a mailing list or a forum — that 
decision has been made.  Specifically, I’m talking about how a forum could best 
be structured to organize discussions and allow everyone to optimally 
participate.  In the move to Discourse, we have the opportunity here to 
possibly do things a bit differently than we have been so far.

For example, here are some of the questions I’m thinking about how we should be 
use a forum:

-  We currently have swift-evolution and swift-evolution-announce.  Should we 
use a specific “category” in the forum for "proposals that are in active 
review" — and possibly remove the need to have something like 

- Should we have other topical areas to organize discussions?  If so, at what 

We can certainly figure out a lot of this over time, but I’d like some feedback 
from the community now on things they’d like to see in how we organize the 
swift-evolution forum based on experiences we’ve had with swift-evolution since 
it was created.

Please chime in on this thread if you have feedback, and focus on keeping this 

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