A massive +1 for this approach too.

As a “least competent engineer” when it comes to random numbers, I’d really 
appreciate having safeguards in place to keep me from inadvertently shooting 
myself in the foot.


> On Oct 11, 2017, at 11:21 AM, Cory Benfield via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I strongly recommend building the padded room.
> Average to good engineers (which I assume is intended to be a proxy for 
> “engineers who know about CSPRNGs and have considered their personal threat 
> model”) know enough to work out what kind of RNG they have available and to 
> use the one most appropriate to their use-case. That means if the default is 
> “slow and cryptographically-secure” but they need “fast and not 
> cryptographically-secure", they’ll know enough to opt-out. If the default is 
> “fast and not cryptographically-secure”, they’ll also know enough not to 
> opt-out. In all cases the cost to this engineer of using the default is 20 
> minutes (the time required to find out what the default is), and the cost of 
> using not-the-default is 20 minutes and a few lines of code. Marginal.
> The hypothetical least competent engineer, by definition, does not know 
> enough to check what RNG they have available. If the default is “slow”, 
> they’ll get “slow”: in the worst case, their code will be slower than it 
> needs to be because they could have used “fast” instead. If the default is 
> “fast”, they’ll get “fast”: in the worst case, their code will be vulnerable 
> to attack. This user will never swap away from the default, so the question 
> is which failure mode is preferable. I’d say it seems pretty obvious that “my 
> program is slow” is a better failure mode than “my program is vulnerable to 
> data exfiltration”.
> It’s completely worth it, IMO, to cost engineers that know what they’re doing 
> with an RNG a small amount of time to save us from the errors made by 
> engineers who don’t know. But it’s a false dichotomy to say that not having a 
> padded room is only a danger to the engineer writing the program: as Equifax 
> has demonstrated, we’re all on the hook for their work.
>> On 11 Oct 2017, at 10:02, Kevin Nattinger via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> IMO, if we have the extensions on Int(eger)/Float(ingPoint)/Array 
>> (RandomAccessSequence?), they should just be for convenience and with a sane 
>> default RNG*, and users that need more should just use methods on the RNGs 
>> directly.
>> *: I don't think the default necessarily needs to be a CSRNG; if there's a 
>> fast one, fine. Are we building a padded room for the least competent 
>> engineer or a tool for the average to good engineer to use efficiently?
>>> On Oct 11, 2017, at 9:08 AM, Jeremy Pereira via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> I’m a bit late to the party on this one, but has anybody considered the 
>>> fact that you need a way for the user of the interface to override the 
>>> default random number source?
>>> For example, some applications require a cryptographically secure source, 
>>> others might eschew perfect entropy for speed. Still others might want 
>>> repeatability e.g. Minecraft lets you enter a seed when it does the World 
>>> generation so you can go back and play the same World again and again. For 
>>> unit testing, you might want to replace the random number generator with a 
>>> sequence of hard coded values so you can exactly control the code path that 
>>> the test takes.
>>> So if you have a protocol that describes an API for generating random 
>>> numbers called RNG, the extension on Int would look something like
>>> extension Int {
>>> init(randomInRange: Countable{Closed}Range<Int>, rng: RNG = /* a CS random 
>>> number generator */)
>>> }
>>>> On 7 Oct 2017, at 04:24, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 5, 2017, at 10:58 AM, Nate Cook via swift-evolution 
>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>> The edge case is really the same (empty ranges), it’s about what we do 
>>>>> with the edge case. If we include the methods on integer types, usage 
>>>>> will look like this:
>>>>>  let x = Int.random(in: 0..<5)     // 3
>>>>>  let y = Int.random(in: 0..<0)     // runtime error
>>>>> If we only have the collection methods, usage will look like this:
>>>>>  let x = (0..<5).random()!         // 3
>>>>>  let y = (0..<0).random()!         // runtime error
>>>> These aren’t the forms I was suggesting, what I meant was:
>>>> extension Int {
>>>> init(randomInRange: Countable{Closed}Range<Int>)
>>>> }
>>>> which gives:
>>>>    let x = Int(randomInRange: 0..<5)
>>>> The point of this is that you’re producing an Int (or whatever type).  
>>>> Regardless of whether the initializer is failable or not, this is the 
>>>> preferred way of creating a new value with some property: it is an 
>>>> initializer with a label.
>>>> -Chris
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