> On Oct 17, 2017, at 11:47 AM, Michael Ilseman <milse...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 17, 2017, at 10:15 AM, Kevin Nattinger via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Because, in my analysis, the problem is that the method is incorrectly 
>>> named. The problem affects all types that conform to Sequence and not just 
>>> Set and Dictionary; elementsEqual is a distinct function from ==, and it 
>>> must either continue to be distinct or cease to exist, but its name does 
>>> nothing to clarify any distinction.
>> In my analysis, the problem is the method's implementation. As I see it, the 
>> only use for `elementsEqual` is as a replacement for `==` when two objects 
>> are different types (or not known to be the same)—equal elements, and IF the 
>> sequences have an order, in the same order. Could you provide an example 
>> where `elementsEqual` randomly returning either true or false depending on 
>> internal state alone is a legitimate and desirable result?
> It doesn’t randomly return true or false, it consistently returns true or 
> false for the *same* pair of Sequences. What *same* means, of course, is 
> complicated and exists at two levels (as we have two ways of talking about 
> *same*). 

I didn't mean literally random, but the result for any two equal sets is 
unpredictable and depends on implementation details.

> I apologize for not reading every email in depth in this thread (they are 
> coming in faster than I can parse them), but let me try to present motivation 
> for this and hopefully provide more shared understanding.
> We have two forms of equality we’re talking about: equality of Sequence and 
> equality of the elements of Sequences in their respective ordering. `==` 
> covers the former, and I’ll use the existing (harmful) name of 
> `elementsEqual` for the latter.
> `==` conveys substitutability of the two Sequences. This does not necessarily 
> entail anything about their elements, how those elements are ordered, etc., 
> it just means two Sequences are substitutable. `elementsEqual` means that the 
> two Sequences produce substitutable elements. These are different concepts 
> and both are independently useful.
> Cases:
> 1. Two Sequences are substitutable and produce substitutable elements when 
> iterated. `==` and `elementsEqual` both return true. 
> Example: Two arrays with the same elements in the same order.
> 2. Two Sequences are substitutable, but do not produce substitutable elements 
> when iterated. `==` returns true, while `elementsEqual` returns false.
> Example: Two Sets that contain the same elements but in a different order.
> Contrived Example: Two Lorem Ipsum generators are the same generator 
> (referentially equal, substitutable for the purposes of my library), but they 
> sample the user’s current battery level (global state) each time they produce 
> text to decide how fancy to make the faux Latin. They’re substitutable, but 
> don’t generate the same sequence.

Evidently I disagree with your definition of "substitutable." How can you say 
one thing can be substituted for another when doing so gives a different result?

> 3. Two Sequences are not substitutable, but produce substitutable elements 
> when iterated. `==` returns false, while `elementsEqual` returns true.
> Example: Consider two sequences that have differing identity. `==` operates 
> on an identity level, `elementsEqual` operates at an element level.
> Contrived Example: InfiniteMonkeys and Shakespeare both produce the same 
> sonnet, but they’re not substitutable for my library’s purposes. 

The way I see it, this is exactly the reason for this function—determining 
whether two objects give the same sequence without regards to their types.

> 4. Two Sequences are not substitutable and don’t produce substitutable 
> elements when iterated. `==` and `elementsEqual` both return false.
> Example: `[1,2,3]` compared to `[4,5,6]`
> It is true that situations #2 and #3 are a little harder to grok, but they 
> are what illustrate the subtle difference at hand. I think situation #2 is 
> the most confusing, and has been the primary focus of this thread as Set 
> exists and exhibits it.

Indeed. My opinion is that #2 is not just confusing, but an entirely invalid 

> Now, onto naming. `elementsEqual` is a very poor choice of name for the 
> concept of equality of elements in their respective orderings, as it doesn’t 
> highlight the “in their respective orderings” part. `lexicographicallyEqual` 
> highlights the ordering much better, as “abc” is not lexicographically equal 
> to “cba” despite having equal elements. I think it is clearly an improvement 
> over the status quo. I like something a little more explicit (e.g. 
> `elementsOrderedEqual`), personally, but I don’t care that strongly. I’m just 
> glad to see `elementsEqual` getting some clarification.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jon
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