> On Oct 17, 2017, at 1:36 PM, Benjamin G <benjamin.garrig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 10:25 PM, Michael Ilseman <milse...@apple.com 
> <mailto:milse...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> On Oct 17, 2017, at 12:54 PM, Benjamin G <benjamin.garrig...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:benjamin.garrig...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the post, that's the first clear explanation i see on this thread 
>> for the concepts behind the design for Sequence.
>> I am a bit afraid that understanding all that is a bit above what to expect 
>> the average swift developer will guess when he sees functions like "prefix / 
>> first / elementEqual (or whatever it's called)" on the Set type.
>> There is, IMHO, a much higher chance he'll either : 
>> 1/ not understand anything, or 
>> 2/ think Sets are in fact secretely ordered sets, or start writing generic 
>> extensions above Sequence or Collection thinking those protocols are 
>> synonymous for orderer collections.
>> 1/ is pretty harmless, but 2/ seems like a source of bug.
>> My personal opinion after reading all this is that we should simply change 
>> the name
> Exactly, and that’s what Xiaodi’s proposal does. Confronted with these 
> complexities, his proposal reasons that a name change is the lessor or evils, 
> as in the “Proposed solution” section.
>> to sequentiallyEquals
> Xiaodi floated “lexicographicallyEqual” which is accurate and a big 
> improvement, and I’m liking it more and more. I floated “sequentiallyEquals”, 
> which I’m liking less and less now. My current preference is for 
> “elementsOrderedEqual” which I think is more descriptive but unwieldy. On the 
> other hand, this is a far less common facility, and order matters, so maybe 
> more verbose names are fine.
> I'm sorry to bring more bikeshedding, but lexicographicallyEqual seems 
> absolutely atrocious to me. Imagine all the steps required the user of a 
> Set<Int> to understand why a lexicographicallyEqual function is suggested by 
> the compiler ??

My initial resistance is that lexicographical implies a comparability beyond 
equality. `lexicographicallyEquals`, then, had me (erroneously) wondering if 
the “lexicographically” part meant that the elements were presented in 
lexicographical order and then compared for equality. But, I was in error and 
this is a wrong interpretation of the term. “abc” is not lexicographically 
equal to “cba”, and it’s quite a mental leap to think that the order of 
elements would be presented differently. That’s not to say that others won't 
have the same misinterpretation and that’s why I’m hoping for a better name. 
But, if `lexicographicallyEquals` is what we settle on, that’s a huge 
improvement over `elementsEqual`.

> Since you seem to give the kind of answer i'm looking for, do you have any 
> answer to a previous question i asked regarding the rational for conflating 
> the iterator with the collection ?
> What i mean by that is : i think nobody would have cared if the syntax for 
> Set was actually
> set1.iterator.elementEquals(set2.iterator)
> It's a bit more verbose, but the meaning is obvious.

To me that reads as meaning something more akin to set1.first == set2.first 
(whether nil or not). I think what you’re trying to demonstrate is an equality 
on an iterator that implies equality of iterated elements. But, there could be 
alternatives: if a Sequence has identity, then perhaps its iterator’s equality 
should enforce the identity. I may also be completing misunderstanding your 

> I think a reason why people are confused is that the actual design conflates 
> methods of the "iterator" on the collection type itself. An alternate design 
> would have been to make collection Sequenceable rather than a sequence 
> themselves. But i suppose you've thought about that already, so i'm just 
> curious to know what made you choose the current solution instead.

No, I have not thought about it much. I’m a relatively new contributor (a few 
months) to the standard library, and am just now thinking about such things on 
an as-needed basis.

Personally, I care much more about what operations a data structure provides 
and how it does it than whatever protocol hierarchy it models. As far as what 
hierarchy should exist in the standard library, I care much more about 
pragmatism than purity as the hierarchy’s main benefit is to enable generic 
programming. I think George Box said it best: “All models are wrong, but some 
are useful”.

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