To be fair, I would want to see the outcome of the `typed throws` discussion 
first before moving the discussion about `Result` forward. 

Am 3. November 2017 um 04:41:32, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
( schrieb:

On Nov 2, 2017, at 11:08 AM, Jon Shier via swift-evolution 
<> wrote:

I’ve written a first draft of a proposal to add Result<T> to the standard 
library by directly porting the Result<T> type used in Alamofire to the 
standard library. I’d be happy to implement it (type and tests for free!) if 
someone could point me to the right place to do so. I’m not including it 
directly in this email, since it includes the full implementation and is 
therefore quite long. (Discourse, please!)

I’m generally supportive of this, but the design of such a thing forces another 
contentious issue: whether the error handling model should be extended to 
support "typed throws”.  Without result, we can carry on pushing the "typed 
throws” debate down the road.  Adding it would force that issue to be decided, 
which is complicated.


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