> On Nov 6, 2017, at 4:33 PM, Slava Pestov via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Right now, the following two declarations are equivalent:
> struct S {
>  var x: Int?
> }
> struct S {
>  var x: Int? = nil
> }
> That is, mutable bindings of sugared optional type (but not Optional<T>!) 
> always have a default value of ‘nil’. This feature increases the surface area 
> of the language for no good reason, and I would like to deprecate it in 
> -swift-version 5 with a short proposal. Does anyone feel strongly about 
> giving it up? I suspect most Swift users don’t even know it exists.

I don’t have too strong an opinion on this, leaning towards being supportive.  
That said, I think you underestimate the source breakage it will cause.  I have 
seen a lot  of code this change will break (albeit in a trivial way that’s easy 
to migrate).

> Slava
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