> On Nov 10, 2017, at 10:51 AM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> Since we also lack the more obvious static "Callable" protocol idea to give 
>>> even well-typed call syntax to user-defined types, this also seems like 
>>> it'd be easily abused for that purpose too.
>> Similarly, I’d love for you to elaborate on how the potential for abuse of 
>> this feature is different than anything else in Swift (e.g. operator 
>> overloading).  Potential for abuse hasn’t been a particularly guiding force 
>> in the design on Swift, and for good reasons.
>> I also don’t understand what you mean by a static Callable protocol.  I 
>> specifically address what I think you might mean in the “alternatives” part 
>> of the proposal, did you read that?
> People have reasonably asked for the ability to make their own function-like 
> types in the past, such that "myvalue(...)" behaves like sugar for 
> "myvalue.call(...)" or something like that. In most cases, they still want to 
> have type system control over what arguments and results their call operation 
> produces. They don't really get that with this proposal; they lose all 
> control over the arity and argument types.

As I mentioned, this is directly addressed in the writeup. Here’s the link:


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