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> On Nov 11, 2017, at 11:40 AM, Chris Lattner <> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2017, at 6:10 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 10, 2017, at 11:25 AM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> People have reasonably asked for the ability to make their own 
>>>>>> function-like types in the past, such that "myvalue(...)" behaves like 
>>>>>> sugar for "" or something like that. In most cases, 
>>>>>> they still want to have type system control over what arguments and 
>>>>>> results their call operation produces. They don't really get that with 
>>>>>> this proposal; they lose all control over the arity and argument types. 
>>>>> As I mentioned, this is directly addressed in the writeup. Here’s the 
>>>>> link:
>>>> That discusses why you didn’t include it in the present proposal but I 
>>>> think it’s reasonable to oppose adding a dynamic callable feature prior to 
>>>> a more Swifty static callable.
>>> Why?  One does not preclude the other.
>> For exactly the reason Joe articulates.  Some people will use what the 
>> language offers to get the syntax they desire even if it sacrifices type 
>> safety.  If we’re going to have first-class callable types in Swift (I think 
>> it’s a great idea) type safety for native code should be prioritized over 
>> syntactic convenience for dynamic language interop.  We can have both, but 
>> the former should come first IMO.
> Hi Matthew,
> In point of fact, Swift already has the feature you are referring to.  It 
> just spells it with square brackets instead of parentheses.  A simple change 
> to the punctuation character has much less point than the proposal that I’m 
> pitching.

This is true if you squint, but I imagine a design for callable types would 
include some 
 differences other than just punctuation.

> -Chris
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