Key paths could be made to work by implementing the protocol in terms of 
retrieving key paths instead:

protocol SupplementalKeyPathDispatching {
        associatedType KP: PartialKeyPath<Self>
        static func supplementalKeyPath(for name: String) -> KP

and in your implementation of PyVal:

extension PyVal: SupplementalKeyPathDispatching {
        static func supplementalKeyPath(for name: String) -> KeyPath<PyVal, 
PyVal> {
                return \PyVal[dynamicMember: name]

The compiler then implements two transforms:

        // becomes:
        PyVal.supplementalKeyPath(for: "add_trick")
        // returns key path \PyVal[dynamicMember: name]


        let Dog = Python.import(“DogModule.Dog")
        let dog = Dog("Briana")

        // becomes:
        dog[keyPath: \PyVal.add_trick]("snore")
        // or fully expanded:
        dog[keyPath: PyVal.supplementalKeypath(for: "add_trick")]("snore")
        // calls dog[dynamicMember: name]

You now have one more level of indirection which allows key paths. There's no 
compile time checking however: all imaginable key paths will work.

> Le 16 nov. 2017 à 1:00, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
> * Actually, for that matter, let's talk about key paths. In principle, you 
> can already think of member lookup in Swift—or at least property and 
> subscript lookup—as though it always worked by constructing a key path and 
> using `subscript(keyPath:)` to access it. Is there some way we could model 
> this feature as extending the set of keys available on a given type—perhaps 
> in a way that allowed compile-time-limited and strongly-typed sets of keys, 
> like I mention with the `UIAppearance` example, in addition to the 
> open-ended, type-erased sets you need—and then looking things up by key path? 
> (Sorry if this is a little vague—I know very little about how key paths are 
> implemented.)

Michel Fortin

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