On Nov 20, 2017, at 6:12 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> Separating method calls from property accesses solves the problem
>> Brent wrote:
>>> If we had separate subscripts for methods and properties, then the property 
>>> subscript could immediately call the appropriate getters and setters, while 
>>> the method subscript could return a ready-to-call `Method` object.
>> Better yet, why bother with the ready-to-call Method-like object? Just call 
>> it! A Ruby binding with separate property and method handling would then 
>> look like this:
>>     extension RubyObj: DynamicMemberLookupProtocol {
>>       func callDynamicMethod(dynamicMethod method: String, args: 
>> [RubyObject]) -> RubyObj {
>>         get {
>>           return RubyObject_send(rubyObject, method: member, args: args)
>>         }
>>       }
>>       subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> RubyObj {
>>         get {
>>           return RubyObject_send(rubyObject, method: member, args: [])
>>         }
>>         set {
>>           RubyObject_send(rubyObject, method: "\(member)=", args: [newValue])
>>         }
>>       }
>>     }
>> When Swift sees myObj.name, it uses the getter subscript. When Swift sees 
>> myObj.name(), it uses the method invocation. Both work in Swift just as they 
>> do in Ruby — and more importantly, Ruby APIs wouldn’t feel so very awkward 
>> when used from Swift.
> Right, that should work directly!

I just sent out draft 2 of the DynamicCallable proposal, which directly 
includes support for this.  Thanks for the discussion and insight!


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