Say you have a protocol and an extension of it, like so:

protocol P {
   var item: String { get }

extension P {
   var item: String {
       return "P"

Now imagine a class that conforms to that protocol and uses the property 
declared there but doesn’t specialise it in any way:

class A: P {
   var usedItem: String {
       return item // A uses 'item' but doesn't override or specialise it in 
any way

let a = A()
a.item         // returns “P"
a.usedItem // returns “P"

Not surprisingly, both results equal “P” since A doesn’t specialise 'item'. Now 
imagine a class B that subclasses A and *does* specialise 'item':

class B: A {
   var item: String { // subclass specialises 'item' by "overriding" the 
protocol extension implementation
       return "B"

let b = B()
b.item // returns “B”

No surprise there either. B specialises 'item' so that’s what gets used. But...

b.usedItem // returns “P” !!?

I can hear you thinking "That's because 'usedItem' is being statically 
dispatched, since it's not declared in the protocol" but adding a declaration 
for 'usedItem' to the protocol doesn't help! I'll get to that in a moment.

Now consider class C, which is similar to B but also overrides A’s 
implementation of 'usedItem' to do, well, exactly what A does (at least 

class C: A {
   var item: String {
       return "C"
   override var usedItem: String {
       return item

let c = C()

Now we get “C” for both calls, as desired, but having to add the override 
keyword just for this is ugly at best. What, then, if we did add a declaration 
for 'usedItem' to the protocol?

protocol P {
   var item: String { get }
   var usedItem: String { get }

extension P {
   var item: String {
       return "P"
   var usedItem: String {
       return item

class A: P {

let a = A()
a.item         // returns “P"
a.usedItem // returns “P"

No surprises here.

class B: A {
   var item: String {
       return "B"

let b = B()
b.item         // returns “B”
b.usedItem // still returns “P” !!

The result is still "P", even though 'usedItem' is now being dynamically 
dispatched. Yes, B doesn't specialise the protocol extension's implementation 
of 'usedItem' so there really isn't an implementation of that to dynamically 
dispatch but =that shouldn't matter= (yet it does). B does specialise 'item', 
though, so *that* should be dynamically dispatched (since it is declared in the 
protocol). And it is, if called directly, but if it's called from within the 
protocol extension's default implementation of another dynamically dispatched 
invocation that isn't itself specialised, then it's not.

Of course, there's a solution similar to that of class C but, like that 
solution, this one also involves the presence of extra code that is 
syntactially identical to the default implementation.

class C: A {
   var item: String {
       return "C"
   var usedItem: String {
       return item

let c = C()
c.item         // returns “C”
c.usedItem // now returns “C”, as desired.

What I find most surprising is that the static or dynamic dispatch behaviour of 
a method in the protocol extension is not determined solely by the absence or 
presence of its declaration in the protocol but also by whether or not 
conforming types actually have a specialised implementation. As I pointed out 
above, that second bit should not matter, yet it does. It seems to me that this 
is a bug in how protocol extensions work but I might be wrong about that.

Any thoughts?

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