It misses most of the features for which Discourse emerged in the first place. 
There are no categories, no tags, the searching tool is quite primitive and the 
quotation look is actually worse than in an email client.

Sorry but for me this is clearly a lesser experience than Discourse.

On 18 Feb 2017, at 12:39, Jan Neumüller via swift-evolution 
<<>> wrote:

This looks way better then Discourse. +1 from me.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Jan Neumüller

On 17 Feb 2017, at 21:45, Jose Cheyo Jimenez via swift-users 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Ted,

Today I learned about which is like an archiver viewer 
for<> pipermail mailing list

All their code is at

This still preserves pipermail as the one source of truth but it allows better 
searching and visibility.

There is even a reply button which opens up a mail client presumably the 
correct headers.


On Feb 9, 2017, at 5:18 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-users 
<<>> wrote:

On Feb 9, 2017, at 4:09 PM, Matthew Johnson 
<<>> wrote:

On Feb 9, 2017, at 6:04 PM, Ted Kremenek 
<<>> wrote:

On Feb 9, 2017, at 3:52 PM, Ted Kremenek via swift-users 
<<>> wrote:

I’ve been mostly silent in this conversation largely because I didn’t realize 
it was leading up to a formal decision.  I wish it would have followed the 
proposal process so it was clear to everyone that a decision was being 
considered and this was our chance to offer input.

FWIW, I am not ignoring this thread.  At some point there was diminishing 
signal on the thread, and it felt like the category of opinions that had been 
voiced had been vocalized on the thread.  Looping in swift-users into that 
thread would have been a good thing to do in hindsight so more people felt like 
they had a chance to participate.  Based on what I am seeing in reaction to 
this decision, however, I’m not seeing much new signal.

Just to add to this point — new insights on this topic are welcome, and will be 
paid attention to.  The decision to change to a forum is because that was 
evaluated as being the best thing for the community, based on the range of 
opinions provided and the tradeoffs made.  If there is something important that 
was missed, obviously that is not going to be ignored.  We want to do the right 
thing.  So far I still feel that moving to a forum software is the right 
choice, but I’d like to do that in a way that allows people to still 
participate effectively via email.

Is there any way to have a trial run so we can evaluate the email experience of 
using the forum software before we make the final switch?  I agree that this 
sounds like the right direction, but it’s hard to know what the email 
experience will really be like until we give it a try for a week or so.

I need to formalize a plan, but yes I’d like to trial this somehow.  Nate Cook 
created a staged installation of Discourse when the thread on swift-evolution 
was happening and there was some useful telemetry out of that experiment (such 
as how rich text email interacted with doing inline replies).  Moving to 
Discourse (or some alternate forum software if we decide Discourse is not a 
fit) would be a staged thing.  The main question to me is how do we do a 
meaningful trial without actually doing the real discussions in the forum 
(while the mailing lists are still running).
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