Hi Rien,

> On May 1, 2017, at 08:46, Rien via swift-users <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
> In my code I use a lot of queues. And (very often) I will use [weak self] to 
> prevent doing things when ‘self’ is no longer available.
> Now I am wondering: how does the compiler know that [weak self] is referenced?

The object never knows whether a weak reference to it is being used; in order 
to be safe you must bind the reference — then you get a strong reference out of 
it, and that guarantees the object stays alive as long as the strong reference 
is in scope.

> I am assuming it keeps a reverse reference from self to the [weak self] in 
> order to ‘nil’ the [weak self] when self is nilled.

It does not.

From the perspective of the runtime, weak references are a different type than 
normal/strong references; what’s important to know here is that getting a 
strong reference from a weak one is thread-safe. It’s interesting to know that 
weak references to “dead” objects are nilled out on use, lazily. When a 
WeakReference is used, the object’s strong reference count is checked, and if 
that is zero then the WeakReference is nilled out.

You could read Mike Ash’s description at 
 That describes Swift 3 weak references quite well. There’s a newer 
implementation of reference counting for Swift 4, but the outwardly-visible 
behaviour is the same.

> But when a job is executing it has no control over the exclusive rights to 
> [weak self].
> I.e. [weak self] may be nilled by an outside event in the middle of say:
>       if self != nil { return self!.myparam }
> The if finding [weak self] non nil, but the return finding [weak self] as nil
> Is that correct? i.e. should we never use the above if construct but always:

There is potential for a race on `self`, as the strong reference count could go 
to zero between the two uses of the weak reference.

The proper way is

if let myref = self { return myref.myparam }

(or the equivalent guard.)
That’s safe.

Guillaume Lessard
swift-users mailing list

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