This function isn't something which comes with Foundation, it is supplied by 
the BSD libraries on Darwin, but those aren't present on Linux.

I recommend looking for a Swift implementation of a high-quality RNG which will 
meet your needs, rather than trying to rely on a non-portable implementation 
coming from the base OS.

 - Daniel

> On May 22, 2017, at 8:44 AM, Edward Connell via swift-users 
> <> wrote:
> Any ideas when Foundation on Linux will support arc4random_uniform? This is 
> kind of an important function.
> There doesn't seem to be any decent substitute without requiring the 
> installation of libbsd-dev, which turns out to be messy. Currently I am doing 
> this, but glibc random with mod does not produce good quality numbers, due to 
> modulo bias.
> Has anyone come up with a better solution to get a true uniform distribution 
> that isn't super messy?
> import Foundation
> #if os(Linux)
>       import Glibc
> #endif
> public func random_uniform(range: Int) -> Int {
>       guard range > 0 else { return 0 }
>       #if os(Linux)
>         return Int(random()) % range
>       #else
>         return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(range)))
>       #endif
> }
> Thanks, Ed
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