On 5/26/2015 1:38 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 5/21/2015 5:34 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:

I have decided to remake the fix.
The reason for that is sun.swing.FilePane class. One of its inner classes extends DefaultRowSorter and relays on lazy initialization of the DefaultRowSorter in unsorted state. After removing the lazy init the FilePane crashes with AOB exception.

It looks like FilePane tries to call some operations like DefaultRowSorter.convertRowIndexToView(int) on non updated DefaultRowSorter.
   Is it possible to fix it in FilePane?
I fixed the FilePane. Please review the updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8078514/webrev.02/


This can be fixed, but I think it will be too big change for the issue and users can be already using the DefaultRowSorter in the similar way. Here is the new approach: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8078514/webrev.01/
It looks a little bit risky ,but all related tests have been passed.


On 5/19/2015 2:03 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 5/15/2015 5:49 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:

Please review fix for JDK9:

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8078514
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8078514/webrev.00/

221             allChanged();
222             modelRowCount = getModelWrapper().getRowCount();

- This can be moved to a private method that will be used both in the public modelStructureChanged() and setModelWrapper() methods.

532     public void sort()
- Could the rawFilter be null in case viewToModel != null an !isUnsorted() ? - isUnsorted() method is called twice. Is it possible to store its value to a variable and use it?


The 6894632 fix violated a contract between the table and its row sorter: the sorter should receive TableChanged events even if table is not sorted actually. Another way to fix 6894632 is to initialize sorter internal structures instantly. The last is applied in the fix.


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