Hello Martin, 

> I've just received this statement to the swisscom pwlan blacklist
> problem which I've reported earlier to this list. AFAIK there is no
> easy solution to  this problem and to avoid false positives in the
> spam-scanning prozess.
> Any creative ideas how to solve this ?

Well, it's not very creative but I think it's common sense, that if you
cannot trust the users sending mail through your mailserver you have a
situation comparable to an open-relay server - moreover if Swisscom
claims it cannot find the responsible users ("da wir die Verursacher der
Spam-Mails nicht eruieren und herausfiltern können").

In this case they have to either require every user who wishes to send
mail through their servers to authenticate so they can track the people
down when something happens or they have to close relaying completely
and ask their users to use a mailserver responsible for their mail
address' domain. 


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