On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 12:34:18 +0200, Olivier Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 11:59 +0200, Glogger Steven wrote:
ok, for the speed: it's 3 times faster .. (ow..is that slow -,))
but is it really cheaper? [...]

Idea: Let's say I have a "standard" (600/100) flatrate adsl account from
ISP A at home, and the Sunrise 150 flex somewhere else (holiday
house, chalet, grandparents, etc.).

Will it still work if I just configure the sunrise adsl line with
the login/pw information of ISP A ?  (assuming I turn off the router
at home).

I guess it would work (but of course still at 150/50), but what
about the 20MB limitation?  Who is doing the accounting work:
Swisscom or Sunrise, or both?


I tested this about two years ago. I have two ADSL lines at home served by different providers (one analog, one ISDN, both with fixed IPs). I did some permutations, connecting different lines (analog/ISDN) with the different account credentials, e.g. connecting line A with account from line B and so on). I then then expanded the experiment with ADSL lines of friends
in other parts of Switzerland.

My observations was as follows:

If a given phoneline (be it analog or ISDN) is registered for ADSL use,
you can successfully run whatever ADSL account on it.

The bandwith you get is based on the bandwith bought for that specific phoneline.

The IP addresses you get are based on the account used for logging in.

Based on my experiance/experiment (2 years ago), your idea would work with
the above limitations.

If someone has more insight on how this works in the backbone,
I would be interessted to learn about.

Stefan Frei

Stefan Frei, Dipl.El.Ing.ETH     Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Office: ETZ G60.1          Computer Engineering and Networks Lab (TIK)
Fon: +41 44 632-7015    ETH Zentrum / Gloriastrasse 35 / CH-8092 Zurich
Fax: +41 44 632-1035
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