there's an update on the ip+ homepage:

21.11.2007      22:06   
Seit 17.15 Uhr ist ein erhöhter DDOS Transit Verkehr im Internet zu
verzeichnen.  Dadurch ist auch der IP+ Service von Swisscom
beeinträchtigt. Swisscom geht davon aus, dass es sich um eine generelle
Störung im Internet handelt.
Die Router von Swisscom in der Schweiz und die intnernational Peering
Points von Swisscom funktionieren inzwischen wieder. Im Raum Zürich
zeigt ein Router nach wie vor Performance-Störungen. Momentan ist nicht
absehbar, bis wann diese behoben sein werden. Die Techniker arbeiten
jedoch mit Hochdruck an der Störungsbehebung

Since 17.15 an increased DDOS transit traffic has been recorded within
the Internet. Through this the IP+ service from Swisscom is also
impaired. Swisscom assumes that it is a general disturbance on the
Internet (www).
The routers from Swisscom Switzerland such as our international peering
points are currently working again. A router within the area of Zurich
still shows performance disturbances. At the moment It is not
foreseeable when these will be cleared. The technicians are still
working on it with high pressure and priority.



Steven Glogger schrieb:
> i made the experience that traffic over TIX1 was affected, TIX2 router
> was up and running.
> we saw a high packet loss on our TIX1 neighbor like if their router's
> CPU was running constantly at 100%.
> this issue seems to be resolved since some hours, but i have the feeling
> that some prefixes are not correctly announced to external transits or
> peerings. some sites are not reachable via IP+.
> lets wait for some updates ,-)
> -steven
> Matthias Hertzog schrieb:
>> Hi folks!
>> Does anyone in here knows any details about the current swisscom outage?
>> ist not pingable, ist extremly slow and
>> bluewin-adsl customers are complaining about very low performance.
>> Best wishes,
>> Matthias
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