Hi Manuel,

Great, a nice idea. But maybe the problem is there are just a lot of
similar websites / directories out in the net. I think its cool to have
one in / for Switzerland. As soon I'm using ipv6 in our network ill add
some websites to the directory.

can you write a firefox plugin which shows a link for each ipv4 website
if its also available over ipv6? that would be very nice :) this way
users can see that it is a good idea to get ipv6 connectivity.

"IPv6 enabled web sites are sixy! ;)" >> cool ^^


Manuel Kasper wrote:
> Hello,
> now that IPv6 is slowly gaining hype factor again, I noticed that there
> are few places to find content that is accessible via IPv6. In an
> attempt to change that, I launched <http://sixy.ch>, a directory of IPv6
> enabled web sites.
> It's currently manually compiled (a random selection of sites is in the
> database now), but anyone can add new sites (please feel free - IPv6
> capability is checked automatically etc.). I've experimented with a
> crawler, but that tends to generate a lot of junk (empty/test/mirror
> sites, no decent description/tags etc.).
> So the next time you find yourself at a geeky event where they turn off
> IPv4 access for a while (maybe we should do that at SwiNOG 17, just to
> be hip), you know where to start.
> Ideas for future improvement:
> - availability statistics
> - popularity rankings (# of hits)
> - live traceroute, better whois etc.
> IPv6 enabled web sites are sixy! ;)
> Cheers,
> Manuel
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