thought the same ...
imagine someone hijacking the net of the blacklist server ....
maybe listing then the unloved concuring company on the server ...
or ddosing the server, 
in my oppinion with that we lessen the security of the internet.


> * on the Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 05:17:54AM -0800, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
> > What if a whitebox is hacked, and the intruder can inject new IP addresses 
> > and 
> > get the hold of traffic content? There's a lot of things one could do with 
> > that...
> What a nice way to implement drive-by-injections. 
> Cheers
> Seegras
> -- 
> "Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve 
> neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
> "It's also true that those who would give up privacy for security are 
> likely to end up with neither." -- Bruce Schneier
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