Hello Swinoggers, 


Have fun for this end of year ;)  


I such a case, I will simply answer to this lawyer to address a formal
request to a swiss judge, explaining him that due to the law you cannot
fulfill his request without a legal request from within Switzerland.  

Like this you will content him because he will know where to look up (and
normally cease to contact you directly), and your customer wont be able to
sue you if you respect the swiss law. 


Also you can transmit the request to your customer, asking him to care about
the issue, in order to let him solve the issue by himself, and state the
lawyer that you have transmitted the case to your customer, but due to the
law you cannot provide more informations regarding the local laws. 


In both cases you will be clean, and you will have fulfilled the request
within the law and proved your good will .  


Best regards, and merry X (hehe) mas 



qu'ils n'en suivront pas moins les memes errements,
dusses-tu en crever
marc aurele


De : swinog-boun...@lists.swinog.ch [mailto:swinog-boun...@lists.swinog.ch]
De la part de Rainer Duffner
Envoyé : mardi 23 décembre 2014 13:23
À : Q-X GmbH - Pascal Wagenhofer
Cc : swi...@swinog.ch
Objet : Re: [swinog] Auskunft über Personendaten / deutsches Recht



Am 23.12.2014 um 13:06 schrieb Q-X GmbH - Pascal Wagenhofer


Hallo SWINOGer


I hope, you’re enjoying already the holidays somewhere around.


We’re having here a little difficulties with a german lawyer. We’re offering
shared hosting services. One of our customers is sharing links to
<http://uploaded.net/> uploaded.net, which contains music, which might be
copyright protected.


The german law agency is now requesting the data of the owner which –
apparently – we cannot provide due to restrictions of the data protection
law of Switzerland. They’re supplying us this judgement:


Question to the community:

1.       What are you doing in such situations? (Yes, appart from contact
your lawyer ;-) ).

2.       Did you have similar issues and how did you handle them?


I wish you merry Christmas and a happy new year.




How much jurisdiction does a German court have in Switzerland anyway?


Can’t you ask them to go to a Swiss court in Lausanne or wherever that stuff
is handled?


Oh wait, that would mean additional cost (like working with a lawyer in
Switzerland, of all things), most likely without a ROI in the end.

So, it’s easier trying to intimidate the hosting-company.



If what whois provides is not enough - tough luck.









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