Are you getting emails saying you double paid your UPC bill / Sunrise
Bill / Swisscom Bill? I have seen some phishing attemts lately like this.
some are like "you paid twice click this link to refund: [button named
"pay bill here"] ".. doesnt makes a lot of sense ;)...

Marc SCHAEFER wrote on 25.01.22 14:38:
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 01:03:23PM +0000, Beat Eichenberger wrote:
>> Is there a UPC mailadmin following this list?
> Also,  the return address for billing bounces:
> <>: host[] said: 450 
> 4.1.1
>     <>: Recipient address rejected: unverified 
> address:
>     User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command)
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