Mano, please do tell of your exploits described below--on this list of off-list. I'm interested!


-Ed Cummings

At 06:09 PM 5/8/2012, Mano wrote:

Since schmoozing is suddenly cool in this list, I may be posting my exploits as a teenager in hijacking a local LPFM station in eastern India, or more recently on devising a live undetectable HF link for the Occupy Movement while it was camping in lower Manhattan, and so on... and yes if you need to build a radio or television station on the fly with no money in your pockets and hoodwink a government or two in the process, I am your guy in not so far in New Jersey in the very township where Thomas Edison invented much of all this.

Mano Guha
Sounds Good ~ Painting with Light ~ Within the Frame

From: Richard Cuff <>
To: Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Swlfest] "Shortwave for Good" panelists?

Ah, but networking is always encouraged, Mano - connections that have
the common thread of radio -- however one defines it --  are certainly
germane for the group!

And, after all, the session in questions - "Shortwave For Good" - was
all about using radio to reach prospective audiences that were not
well served, and incorporated brainstorming as part of the discussion.

So I got no complaints about the discussion here...RC

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Mano Guha <<>> wrote: > And I thought this was a place where hobbyists interacted, in which we did not schmooze for future clients...
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