I believe we have seen many requests like the one below.
I don't think it is pleasing for people to spend the amount of time that is required to download text modules through a modem to find out they don't work. Not only do they not work for them but they appear as some strange hieroglyphics. After trying maybe a couple of times to re-download the same text and spending more time, they might resort to sending an e-mail to ask for help.
I would guess that some probably just give up and don't go any farther.
I was wondering if there wouldn't be a way to set up the web page so that when someone tries to download a locked module if they wouldn't just be directed to a page telling them that this particular version is locked and direct them to the Copy right page.
There is no benefit for anyone to download modules they can not use. But I am sure there is some frustration.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul & Cheri Robbins
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 9:37 PM
Subject: [sword-support] help

hello i'm cheri .I have been downloading some of the English bibles and they aren't comeing up in english they are  comeing up in ascii characters.  please help.
thanks cheri robbins

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