Newly found bug:
Sometimes (i.e. non reproducable) if I edit my userprefs.conf, deleting
everything so it is a 0 byte file, then sword crashes when loading. Possibly
an uninitialised variable being used? I did this when tracking down why some
dictionaries showed strange fonts.

Newly found bug:
In Clarke commentary on Gen 1:1, there is teh following list of references:

  "Ge 1:26  3:22  11:7  20:13  31:7, 53  35:7.
  "De 4:7  5:23  Jos  24:19  1Sa 4:8  2Sa 7:23
  "Ps 58:6  Isa 6:8  Jer 10:10  23:36.
  "See also Pr 9:10  30:3  Ps 149:2  Ec 5:7  12:1;
  "Job 5:1  Isa 6:3  54:5  62:5  Ho 11:12,
  or Ho 12:1  Mal 1:6  Da 5:18, 20  7:18, 22."-PARKHURST.

Is the space not a suitable seperator?

These get turned into:
Genesis 1331:7  Revelation of John 22:5335
Deuteronomy 7:23
Psalm 1023:36
Proverbs 712:1
Job 11:12
Hosea 5:18  Hosea 6:207  Amos 1:22


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