I tried changing to large fonts (120dpi) on my 2000 box and it seems to 
work with no problems.  I had previously been working at 96dpi.  Anyone 
else confirm or deny problems at different font sizes on any OS?


Brook Humphrey wrote:
> On Monday 12 August 2002 03:24 am, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>>Hey guys,
>>      Beta X is available at:
>>Tried to fix all your reported bugs.  Let me know either way.
>>Stephen, thanks for the dual-head info.  Added code, but can't test
>>here.  Let me know if it does anything.
> At 96dpi(swtandard fonts)  I get this:
> Access violation at address 0050f432 in module sword.exe write of address 
> 0000002c
> Once the window shown up there  is no way to choose any of the modules.
> When I try to close the program I get this.
> Access violation at address 004062d6 in module sword.exe write of address 
> 00000038
> and the program will not close at all.
> This is on windows xp.
> When I change to 120dpi for the fonts It still gives the error on startup but 
> the nubers are different. On shutdown it says abnormal program termination. 
> When I clock on ok it shuts down or at least the program exits.

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