Shalom Troy, how are you?

 I clicked the search button and rnters a value in Hebrew to search -
nothing happend.
 There was a progress bar running as if searching but as I said nothing
 Also, when I tried the Current result and Custum Range options the
application crashed.
 I tried it on WinXP and Y2K.

 When I click anywere in the text area there is no option for search.

> Could you let me know what you've tried?  What OS are you running?  Also,
> could you let me know if right-clicking on a work in the text, and
> selecting Search for Word, then click [Enter], produces any results?
> Thanks.
> Avihai.H wrote:
> > Shalom :o)
> >
> >  The "Search" is not working at all on the "HebModern" Translation.
> >
> >
> >                                                 Avihai.H

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