Yes, they are making their way to the server. BUT don't put too much work into it yet. The server will be refreshed when we 'officially' start the project in a few days. There are many policies we need to outline so we are consistent with our tagging. I noticed your markup reflects an older version of the software-- you may wish to update your ModEdit.jar file. It is worked on fairly regularly. The new version also works in windows standalone now (if you download the latest version of the binaries posted in my previous message)-- thanks for your patience.


Keith Ralston wrote:
I've started working on Mark.  I have done the first three verses.  Are the
edits making their way to the server?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Troy A. Griffitts
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: [sword-devel] Greek Tagging HELP WANTED

We haven't had much voiced interest to help on this project.  I'm
planning to head down to the local seminary to recruit volunteers if we
don't get anyone from the list.

Please, if you have any Greek experience (it doesn't require much, as
you'll have a lexicon and a translation in front of you-- you just need
to match the greek with the part of the translation), consider
volunteering for a small book.  I think you'll find that it flows quite
smoothly along and that it will really help sharpen your greek skills.

Newest test program is available from:

You'll still need a version of java installed first, probably from:


which allows you to work offline and includes an export button to export
just your assigned section of Scripture to email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Follow instructions in README.  If you're running windows, you'll need
to add these executables to the ModEdit directory:

The new version has Proxy support in case you need to access the web via
a proxy, and much code cleanup, all thanks to Christian
Frommeyer.  Hurray!

Tab keys seem to not work in java 1.4.1 for moving to the next tag, so
arrows up/down are also assigned to do the same thing now.  I still
recommend getting used to the keyboard (left, right, up, down, space) to
do the editing.  Dragging is 'cool' but the keyboard seems more efficient.

Latest source available from:

Daniel Glassey, can we get a new wikiweb for the kjv2003 project?

	Thanks to everyone for their feedback and support,
		-Troy A. Griffitts.

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