At 23:35 14-01-03 -0500, David's Mailing List and Spam Receiver wrote:
> So far as I know, the only major English translation to translate YHWH
> literally is the New Jerusalem (and, I suppose, the Jerusalem Bible as
> well.)

Other minor translations that do this, the WEB (and of course the HNV), and
the RNKJV.

Actually, the WEB uses "Yahweh" for Yod He Waw He and the HNV reverts to the KJV-style "LORD" (or "GOD" when used with "Lord" from "Adonai"). The latter seems strange to most Gentiles, but the HNV is targeted at Messianic Jews, whose tradition of not pronouncing the Most Holy Name of God is strong. Since the Septuagint, which is quoted in the New Testament, uses "LORD" (Kurios) for this Name, it cannot be wrong to do that. On the other hand, it is not wrong to use the more literal transliteration, either, as we may come boldly as children of God before His throne. The most important thing is that you be respectful, and not take His Name lightly or speak evil of Him, no matter what you call Him.

Rev. Michael Paul Johnson
Servant of Jesus Christ

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