Number one rule in software:

Power to the user is more valuable than any philosophy that he programmers may artificially impose on the project.
Here i use the word "artificially" in the sense that the philosophy is contrived' as opposed to being a natural restriction, under whatever rationale.

I wish this golden rule of software design was followed, but more oft than not, programmers are very adamant about "how things should be".

I'm currently working on a project that will eventually become an interface to Sword, i hope. Rule #1 for me is that i don't restrict myself. If a feature is avaible, i'll put it in whenever possible. However, i've seen so many times in this forum these artificial, almost religious, adherences to restrictions.

I think sometimes programmers take their philosophies a *lot* more seriously than the rest of the world. But the software is for the rest of the world ;).

Just my two cents from countless fustrating encounters with such philosophies as reported in various READMEs, FAQs, project manifests, etc... for various proggies.
I've come to be highly suspect of the worth of any philosophy where the programmers say "we didn't think this was a feature that 'fit-in' with our paradigm" or something of the sort.
Please don't flame me. :P

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