Lalremlien Neitham wrote:

Hello, i am new to to sword and osis. can anybody please tell me how to easily convert a raw bible text to osis xml?

If your bible follows the exact same verse structure as the King James Version and your file is exactly one verse per line (vpl) you may be able to create a module with vpl2mod and then osis from the module with mod2osis. I have not tried this before. You will need to create a conf file for sword to use the module. Once you have osis you can modify the file with your favorite text or xml editor to add additional markup. The osis web site has a manual for what is allowable in osis. Then use osis2mod to create the module.

You can get the windows version of these tools from here:

i am planning to make a bible in my peoples dialect (not a very common dialect/ language though the script is in Roman) that will be put up online. thanks Lal

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