This is the right place.

Just mark up your commentary as if it were a Bible in OSIS, But instead of the verse text use your comments. Then run it through osis2mod.

If a comment applies to a passage and not a single verse, it is a little trickier. Instead of a single value for an osisID you create a space separated list of all the verses.
e.g. osisID="Gen.1.1 Gen.1.2 Gen.1.3"

The trick is to create a conf that declares that it is a commentary.

Jeff Needle wrote:

I'm fairly certain that this is the wrong place to be asking this question, so if someone could direct me to the right place, I'll be very grateful.

I have a verse-by-verse commentary I want to add to Sword, to appear as a notes file in the right window. Can this be done? And, if so, how?


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