SWORD does not currently have an end user tool to convert and export OSIS genbooks or lexicons.

All software at CrossWire is not finished, and will always be such :) Anyone want to extend mod2osis to support this, it would be a great addition. The conversion to OSIS of an individual entry is already supported by our filters, but recognition of a genbook, modification of the OSIS header to reflect such, utilizing TreeKey, instead of VerseKey and surrounding each entry with appropriate <div> containers is what needs coded.


DM Smith wrote:
You can see the source for mod2osis here (It may have changed since 1.5.8 was released):

In reading it I noticed a couple of things:
I think that the text is being filtered from whatever internal format into OSIS. So if it is originally GBF or ThML markup then it becomes OSIS. The module is assumed to be a Bible as that is hard coded into the OSIS type statement in the osisWork element. The code further assumes that the module is arranged as Book, Chapter and Verse (BCV). This is true of Bibles and some commentaries. But not of other works.

So, if I am reading this correctly, mod2osis is not the right mechanism to get OSIS out of a GenBook.

Greg Hellings wrote:
This does present an interesting question:

Ought mod2osis support all types of modules?  If the attempt is to
move all modules into being used in OSIS format as originals, then why
not extend the functionality of mod2osis so that it properly works for
all types of modules?


On 5/29/06, Jónatas Ferreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry. I didn't think about using Bundles for modules on the Mac. ;)
> Thought you have installed the modules the "normal" way.

Is there another way to install it on the Mac? I didn't know about
that. How is it?

> Joachim is right, you have to go into every Bundle directory.
> "mods.d" and "modules" folders should be in the current directory
> when you use mod2osis.

Yes, I already tried that. And now I also know that I can't use
mod2osis in this kind of modules, it is only useful for bibles or

Thank you,
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