On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:09:14PM -0700, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Well, kindof.  It's a matter of purpose.  The purpose for a strip filter 
> is to prepare the buffer for a search, e.g. stristr(StripText(), istr)
> for example, if one searches for a phrase,
> "streams of water that yield"
> It should hit on Psalm 1:3
> He is like a tree
> planted by streams of water
> that yields its fruit in its season,
> and its leaf does not wither.
> In all that he does, he prospers.
> So, in conclusion, filters have different purposes.
> From: http://crosswire.org/svn/sword/trunk/include/swmodule.h
>   virtual SWModule &AddRenderFilter(SWFilter *newfilter);
>   virtual SWModule &AddEncodingFilter(SWFilter *newfilter);
>   virtual SWModule &AddStripFilter(SWFilter *newfilter);
>   virtual SWModule &AddRawFilter(SWFilter *newfilter);
>   virtual SWModule &AddOptionFilter(SWOptionFilter *newfilter);

So if we are interested in working with a plain text (ASCII) rendering
filter, we really need to write a new filter specifically for that. It
seems like that would be good for diatheke, which defaults to plain
output anyway. It wouldn't hurt for that output to be formatted a bit


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