You can download squeak and play with it on a Windows box without much
trouble.  I did it a while ago, but I didn't personally like it.  Then
again, I'm not a 12 year old (no comments about my mental age please, thank
you very much :P  )

Though, if squeak promises to be an easy to use programming interface that
can be manipulated easily, that might be an interesting sword frontend
regardless.  Give the end user the power over what they want their software
to do instead of us programmer types.

I'd like to address the 'connected to the internet' thing a bit.  I've been
following off and on this project, and while the ad hoc networking and
internet connectivity stuff is big, the machines are designed around being
something a student can take home and work with.

Go to school, download a couple books from the server or your friends, go
home and read.  That seems to be an important part of the design paradigm.
If a student has access to the internet all the time with one of these, then
there's no need to do any work as there are plenty of servers out there that
provide access to the bible on-line (remember, this thing runs Firefox.)

I wouldn't be too concerned about governments/humanists not wanting
religious software running on these things.  It'll either make its way onto
a machine or not depending on if the owner wants it on there (I DO NOT
suggest we write a bible launching trojan horse/virus for these things...bad
idea..bad bad..)

My personal thoughts are that, something like OpenDocument type files be
made available of sword modules that can be downloaded.  Maybe an output
filter for the OpenDocument format can be created.  Then there would be the
benefit of having files that can be read in a variety of programs.

Of course, the disadvantage to doing that would be that we wouldn't get to
write code...


On 4/25/07, Sean Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A Squeaky, sneaky Bible application sounds cool.  :-)

On 24/04/07, Darius Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, the complete IDE is built into the image. All source code for the
> IDE is included in just one other file. The image is compact since it's just
> an image of the running memory. The incremental compiler is built into the
> VM so you can test it and change it ... while it's running.
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