Hi there !

On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 11:40:07AM -0700, avolunteer DrStovallFoundation wrote:
> made.  What we can do is develop the best stuff for the children and
> package it in ways which will make the governments want what we
> develop and even more of it than we can develop.  The task is not
> easy.  I have been thinking about how to best accomplish this every
> day and night since the OLPC was announced.  
> A major goal of the OLPC project is to have children helping each other.
> If we are going to provide stuff which will be acceptable, teamwork
> must be our M.O..
> I can arrange to be available before and after EuroPython.  If you 
> want to share my strengths and help me overcome my development 
> weaknesses for the OLPC project, I'll do my best to do the same for
> you.

I have a little experience in pygtk, sword and small linux devices when
i wrote a bible reader for my own usage 
targeted at the nokia internet tablets.

I also played a bit with rpm and python packaging. 

Helping in a python based sword activity for the olpc sounds really
nice... I dont know where to start, nor have any idea what to do right now (i 
though about it since this thread started), but I ll stay tuned :)

Take care.

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