I do not know how to export or import from esword.

Possibly the person to ask is Johnathon here on the mailing list who
appears to be an expert on e-sword.

But I think the general principle here is to start from the original
e-text and not from someone else's modules for other software. Otherwise
you tend to get a chinese whisper effect of transmission errors.

So the best source  would then be the word files. But that could be very
hard work. I do not know. I always worked with paratext files, which are
already encoded in USFM.


John H. wrote:
> So is it easier to possibly use the esword module, which is taken from
> that arabic bible?
> On Jan 21, 2008 5:33 PM, peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> That indeed is right.
>> But my experience is that you get more if you are able to demosntrate
>> that you are actually capable of using it. I.e. a working module goes a
>> long way to convince people.
>> Peter
>> David Trotz wrote:
>>> John H. wrote:
>>>> Peter,
>>>> David emailed the arabicbible.com people requesting permission, but I
>>>> like you do not know whether or not permission is needed.
>>> Its always better to err on the side of caution for these things. If
>>> they grant permission then its no longer a gray area, and there is no
>>> longer a need to debate it. ;-)
>>> --
>>> In Christ,
>>> David Trotz
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