On Jul 11, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Chris Little wrote:

> I think DM is planning to do some other work on osis2mod, so we can  
> hope
> he spots this bug in the course of doing that. The bug could  
> possibly be
> in the library itself.

I think we can use JSword to test if this is a library bug or a module  
bug. Can you point me to a module that exhibits the problem and a  
reference in that module?

If it is a module bug, then it can be fixed in osis2mod.

-- DM

> I would suggest building the module correctly the first time. Fixing
> this bug /should/ be a priority. How soon a priority item will be  
> fixed,
> I don't know.
> --Chris
> Brian J. Dumont wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> So what would you suggest that I do?  I know we all have more ideas  
>> than
>> time, and I suspect that you also have quite a number of other  
>> things on
>> your plate.  If you expect this fix to be in place in, say, less  
>> than 6
>> months, then I'd go ahead building my module.  If you suspect that  
>> it's
>> low on the priority list and might get pushed off for some years,  
>> then
>> I'd consider other options (temporarily give up on the module,  
>> multiple
>> copies of the content, etc.)
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
>>> Diatheke uses the API, which inherently understands linked verses.  
>>> It's
>>> not even possible for a Sword app to not return a value for a linked
>>> verse if it exists because there's no difference from the data  
>>> stored
>>> for the primary verse.
>>> Besides, I've seen the linking bug myself. I've got a couple
>>> commentaries and a Bible encoded and waiting in the wings until I or
>>> someone else gets a chance to fix linking.
>>> --Chris
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