On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 5:25 AM, Peter von Kaehne <ref...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Joachim Ansorg wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> I did the first version of that script years ago. DM did some fixes not too
>> long ago, I think.
>> The error message says that the perl module readbackwards is not yet
>> installed. I think that it should be available in Fedora. Troy has to install
>> the package.
>> The generated HTML can be easily replaced by a CSV output, I think. I could 
>> do
>> that as soon as the module is installed, I think.

There is already a switch you pass to makeDownloadsStats.pl to
indicate the output format you would like - it takes the arguments
"-plain" and "-html" and outputs them accordingly.  IIRC the "-plain"
option outputs the stats into a tab-separated "table" just like the
current HTML table, with one module per line.  I could be mistaken in
that, and editing the function that outputs the plain text formatted
stats would be easy to put into any format you would like.  Anyone
even remotely familiar with Perl or other scripting languages should
be able to figure it out for you.


> That would be great. Thanks!
>> Joachim
>>> Thanks to mwtalbert who made me aware of the exchange attached below.
>>> The script is still in ghellings files. It does not work as it requires
>>> some Perl modules which appears not to be available.
>>> I would be extremely grateful if someone could look into what is needed
>>> to make it work. I attach the error message below. Maybe it is something
>>> simple.
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