
My version is in ~dmsmith/bin.
It uses File::ReadBackwards, which it is able to find.
But running it, /var/log/xferlog cannot be read and the program dies.

In Him,

On Dec 29, 2008, at 5:58 AM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:


Thanks to mwtalbert who made me aware of the exchange attached below.

The script is still in ghellings files. It does not work as it requires
some Perl modules which appears not to be available.

I would be extremely grateful if someone could look into what is needed to make it work. I attach the error message below. Maybe it is something



error message:

[ref...@www ~]$ ./
Can't locate File/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/ perl5/5.10.0
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/local/lib64/perl5/site_perl .) at
./ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 8.


Old email exchange

Greg Hellings wrote:

I've gotten that update finished.  The file
~ghellings/ has the update.  I dumped a diff of
it to ~ghellings/makeDownloadsStats.diff.  The numbers it comes up
with are surprisingly higher than the current Top20 list on the site
(KJV: 7841, Total: 213281), but if you haven't had updates since
March, I suppose it's not THAT staggering.  Provided the internal
structure of the logfiles hasn't changed, the log reading should still be accurate, since I didn't touch that - only the filename processing.
Still, if someone else wants to take a look at those edits and check
to see if it looks like it's running properly.  When I ran it, it
appeared to only spend time parsing the files applicable to the last
30 days.

I didn't remove any of the older code, I simply commented it out, so
if you want to maintain the cleanliness of the version you have in
version control, you might want to take out the commented lines before
committing the changes.


On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:13 PM,  <> wrote:

From the looks of that file, editing it to process the new log file
naming scheme is almost as simple as pulling the directory listing
rather than iterating over the file names with an integer counter.
I'll finish the edit this afternoon when I next access a computer.


On 8/24/08, Troy A. Griffitts <> wrote:
Dear Greg,

Thank you so much for your work. Both you and DM had offered to help on this. As DM has a ton of other tasks, I'm sure he would appreciate it
if you wanted to own this.  Here is the history up to now.

Originally, I believe Joachim, Chris, Martin, and DM had a hand in
creating, improving, debugging, etc., a perl script to do module
statistics.  I think they worked out a good way to minimize skewed
numbers from multiple retries, multiple files per modules, etc. I've
moved their script to ~sword/bin/ on the server and placed it under
version control.

If you'd like to own this task moving forward, you are more than
welcome-- and I think I can say this for all those involved in the
process in the past (though they can speak up if they still have a
heartfelt attachment to the task).  However, so as not to neglect
gleaning from their past work, I would like to ask you to take a look at
their script and see how they decided to computer numbers.

This script is run from a daily cron job to produce the top20.html file
on swords front page.  The arguments for the run are:

/home/sword/bin/ /home/sword/html/top20.html 20 30

If your new python script could take the same params and generate a
similar file, it would make it easy for me to substitute it into the
cron job.

If you don't feel this is something you'd like to own, maybe DM is still
willing to look into updating the current perl script.

Thanks everyone for your recent work and work from the past on this. Automation is our friend: it captures nebulous knowledge floating around and places it into a solid description, and keeps humans out of the role
of 'bottleneck'. :)


Greg Hellings wrote:

I've written up a log processor for the download statistics. It's the executable .py file in my user directory on the server. Below is an
example run of it:

[ghelli...@www ~]$ ./ ESV <path-to-log snipped>
Total downloads: 362
Unique downloads: 210

It will accept as many files on the command line as you desire and
report their statistics in aggregate.  Such is most useful for
maintaining information about the IP-address across the multiple
files. It also works for the FTP files, but for those, relying on the total downloads is misleading, since it reports individual downloads
of both new AND old testament .bz* files.  Thus, each individual
download of the module should crop up as about 6 files in the "total downloads" section. Unique downloads are based solely on IP address.
As an example of the discrepancy of the counting:

[ghelli...@www ~]$ ./ ESV <path-to-log snipped>
Total downloads: 540
Unique downloads: 84

Examples for comparison:
[ghelli...@www ~]$ ./ KJV <ftp log>
Total downloads: 2098
Unique downloads: 163
[ghelli...@www ~]$ ./ KJV <http log>
Total downloads: 342
Unique downloads: 198

Those stats are based off of the currently in-use log files. If you would like a version of the script that will also report all module
download totals, that can be provided for little extra work.


On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Greg Hellings < >

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Troy A. Griffitts < >
Hey guys.  We have a few needs which need addressing:

Log files got a new naming convention recently.  Instead of:


It has become


Hence our perl scripts that generate module statistics are not working,
seen on the left panel here:
I don't know thing 1 on Perl, so editing that is out for me.  A
rewrite is possible into Python if no one with Perl knowledge shows

Also, Crossway asks for periodic download statistics for their ESV module. I generated the last report for them by hand, but I would love for someone to write a script that would run on the first of each month
and email them statistics for the previous month.
What format is the file in (I'm guessing it's an Apache file access log)? A simple Python script should be more than sufficient for this
purpose.  I can probably whip one up in little time.  Also, what
statistics are you in need of -- just a download count or do you also want to have information on the unique IP address downloads, etc. A sample of one line of the file (or multiple lines, if a file access is
spread across several lines) which pertains to the ESV should be
sufficient to base the work off of -- more would be appropriate if there are multiple formats the line appears in. Also, odds are good that the same script can be used to generate the statistics for any
individual module.


Any takers?


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