Jonathan Marsden wrote:
Matthew Talbert wrote:

I subscribe to sword-svn as an attempt to educate myself on the
library, and, of course, to keep track of current changes. It would be
a real help to me if the commit messages were longer and more
informative. As I am very new to a lot of the engine stuff, it is hard
to tell just by looking at the commits what problem they are
attempting to solve.


I've not (yet?) subscribed to sword-svn, but I have grabbed the svn tree and looked through svn log to see what has been changing and why. Like you, I found the commit messages somewhat cryptic.

Ideally, I think bugs and enhancements would appear and be described in a bug tracker, and then VCS commit msgs can include something like (Fixes: #12345) so that there is a pointer to more verbose info on the "why" of any given change. While I'd love to see something like that for SWORD, I don't know if that approach is reasonable/feasible for the SWORD developers, and it is their code, not mine -- at this point I am very much just a "lurker" when it comes to that code :)

This scheme would work fine if folks would use the bugtracker (i.e. not report bugs only to sword-devel or in the wiki). When I fix things in the library that I notice myself, I don't tend to file a bug report before fixing them--I just fix them--and I would expect others who work on the library to do likewise. I only open new bugs in the tracker for things that I don't intend to fix myself or that I don't intend to fix soon.

Not filing bug reports in the tracker is generally just a good way to have your bug be ignored because it will quickly be forgotten. The bugtracker provides nice persistence.


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