Matthew Talbert wrote:
The problem that I've had with that, is that it appears that the bug
tracker is not up-to-date and goes long periods with no activity. I
believe Peter mentioned this recently as well. A couple of examples:

I would say the tracker is fairly up to date (minus new bugs that folks aren't filing there). Personally, I do close bugs as I complete work on them. I have a feeling we should probably retire the beta module testing Wiki page and use the bugtracker for those bugs as well.

I did a quick skim through the API bugs and closed a couple of open bugs that I know to be closed.
This bug was filed in 2007, but was resolved in 1.5.11 I believe, yet
it is still open.

In the strictest sense, this bug has been addressed. TEI filters do exist. But I believe they still need significant improvement. We could close it--but I tend to think it's better to leave it open as a reminder that people still need to examine the needed tagset and add additional unhandled tags.
This bug was also filed in 2007, but appears resolved now.

I know that Troy committed a patch from Ben that was supposed to address this. In anyone has tested this (e.g. with FreJND) then we can close it. As I have not tested it myself, I won't close it yet.

It would greatly encourage use of the bug tracker if there was more
activity. Also, an rss feed might help (I'm not aware of one if there
is one already).

I agree entirely. I think the bugtracker is a great tool for us. (But it _sorely_ needs an update with respect to versions of Sword that it recognizes.)

You can get updates via email. RSS feeds are also available, but there are about a million different possible RSS feeds you can select. Basically, create a new filter, use one of the presents, or open up any other view in the issue navigator. Then you should see two RSS feed options, one for Issues and one for Comments.

As an example, the complete issues feed for the Sword API bugtracker is:


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