Matthew Talbert wrote:
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Ben Morgan <> wrote:
I object (luke-warmly). Cross-references are (in the ESV) tied to the word
in front. If you put a space in, you can't tell which word (before or after)
it is tied to.

Is there any particular reason that cross-refs in ESV are in front of
words, rather than after? In many Bibles the cross-refs and notes
appear in between words, so this would be no different.

This is where Crossway, the publisher, put them.

Note, it might be tied to the following phrase, not the word. So programmatically moving them is not a good idea.

On my Palm, I have the NIV Study Bible with footnote markers at the beginning of words and phrases. I also have at least one print Bible (in addition to the ESV) that does it that way.

It is not uncommon.

In Him,

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