On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Jonathan Marsden <jmars...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>>> Is there is list of all known release-critical bugs and TODO items
>>> somewhere?
>> No, the bugtracker is clean now for critical 1.6.x changes, as far as I
>> know (right?).  We're only fixing feedback we get on the RCs now.
>> The only outstanding issue of which I know is the link bug DM is working
>> on with osis2mod, ...
> TODO list as I see it so far:
> 1) osis2mod link bug (DM)
> 2) mod2osis does not generate valid OSIS output

This has never been a priority or even a concern in the past.
Personally I think that it should be made one.  I have some patches on
crosswire.org/~ghellings that used to apply back in about r2150 range.
 Don't know about now, but they at least got it to producing good OSIS
output for modules which were input in OSIS format.  In fact, I think
I had gotten the KJV to be as round-trip as SWORD allowed it to be,
but don't hold me to that.

I was part way to fixing up the ThML filters to also produce good OSIS
output to get the round trip close on that as well.  But that was
where I left it.

But the version in the SVN tree doesn't even produce well-formed XML,
let along valid OSIS.


> 3) SWIG issues and related segfaults (Ben)
> 4) locale fixups
> 5) Does it build OK under mingw?
> 6) New v11ns (but they'd need code changes, and so a new RC, I think)
> Is it worth creating a wiki page for the 1.6 TODO list?
> Jonathan
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