
There is a SWORD module with Strongs tagging already (OSMHB). It was recently released and is in the CrossWire repository. The experimental repository has a text that follows Leningrad versification. It runs fine for me in BibleTime. The morphology will need to come later, and that is what we are working on at OpenScriptures.

Looking at David Troidl's work on Strongs, I think that would be a great place to start. It will be feature-complete, plus it contains many glosses from BDB. The lexicon I am working on will take some time to implement, but I am open to collaborators (hoping to find some!).


On 4/23/2010 1:45 PM, Chris Burrell wrote:
Hi Daniel

I think to start with we really need a Strong-tagged hebrew sword module and if possible with the morphology in it. That would help with the classic interlinears and in particular in their accuracy. Perhaps that already exists, but I haven't been able to find it.

And then as you say, a good Hebrew lexicon would be a great addition. Hopefully David IB will be able to comment on the best way forward here. We'll need both at some point, so either would be good!

On 22 April 2010 00:07, Chris Burrell < <>> wrote:

    Hi Daniel

    I'm copying David IB from Tyndale House who is part of Tyndale
    House and leading the data side of the project.

    A couple of emails have circulated on this previously on our
    blogs, which I've tried to capture (in part) on

    I'm sure David IB will have more to input on this... I've copied
    his original email below

    THis is the best lookup lexicon to use for Hebrew interlinear - it
    is tagged to Strongs, includes the pointed Hebrew and has an
    abbreviated BDB entry. And the version downloadable from has even more corrections than
    mine. For all I know, it might finally be letter perfect! THis
    version is also packaged in nice XML which can easily be converted
    to any other DB format.

    The equivalent lexicon at Crosswire for Greek is, I think, in a
    much better state, and didn't need all the work the Hebrew did.

    The version of the tagged OT text at is also in very good condition
    (prob better than the one at Crosswire). It appears to only
    contain PD data - ie it doesn't include the more complete
    morphology data which is copyrighted.

    David IB

    On 21 April 2010 23:22, Daniel Owens <
    <>> wrote:


        I am not qualified to contribute code (though I lurk on
        sword-devel because of my module-creating disposition), but I
        am involved in producing content for the very purpose you
        mention. By the way, if you are at Tyndale House now, you may
        know Daniel Block. He is my PhD mentor at Wheaton College.

        There are two content areas with which I am involved and would
        be happy to collaborate on. One is Greek and Hebrew lexica.
        Currently at <> we
        are involved in collaboratively producing a modern replacement
        for Strongs. We're starting with a Strongs base but hope to
        provide a basic and up-to-date modern equivalent to Holladay
        for Hebrew or Newman for Greek, except that they will be
        released under a creative commons license. The challenge is
        finding people to contribute quality entries with little or no
        possibility of accolades in the guild of biblical studies (and
        certainly no money!). The other project is a collaboratively
        produced morphologically tagged Hebrew text (see <>). For
        that we are looking at Django and Pinax as the applications
        for collaborating on putting together the data. For me, the
        purpose of this is to fill a void of content for SWORD in
        order to serve the global church.

        I notice that full-text lexicons are part of the second phase
        of your plan. Is there any way we can begin to collaborate on
        that? I am open to your suggestions.


        On 4/21/2010 2:07 PM, Chris Burrell wrote:

            *What is Tyndale STEP?*

            Tyndale STEP is an offline and online Java web application
            which aims to make ancient texts and maps as well as
            timeline data, genealogies, ... accessible to everyone,
            scholar and non-scholar alike, so that the Bible is
            illuminated by its full ancient context. [see roadmap
            below]. Tyndale House will also distribute the online
            version to pastors in the third world, who often can’t
            afford commercial Bible software.

            A wiki page has been set up here:
   which has
            a lot more information!

            *Who are we looking for?*
            We need lots of help!
            • *Java developers*: this code base is mainly in Java so
            we can do with all the help we can get!
            • *User Interface designers*: there is currently a sketch
            of the user interface, created more to prove a point. We
            need proper guidance to make the software as user friendly
            and rich as possible
            • *Data harvesters*: Tyndale House could do with a few
            extra pairs of hands to helpcollate the data and make it
            available to the wider CrossWire community

            *How do I start?*
            • Get in touch!
            • Read through the wiki page:
            • Build the code from:
            • Check out our feature/bug repository:
            • Have a look at the proof of concept sketches at
            <> (including
            timelines and interlinears on strong-tagged Bibles)

            • Peruse the blogs mentioned on the wiki to get a feel for
            the data and programming

            As you can see, there’s plenty to do!

            *What does the roadmap look like?*

            */1st phase: build a multi-platform structure for standard
            Bible-study tools:/*
            • Bible texts, including original languages, translations
            and interlinears
            • Language aids, including lookup-dictionaries concordance
            • History tools, including an expandable timeline with
            scripture links
            • Dictionary articles, culled from various sources and edited
            */2nd phase: add detailed geographic, historic &
            linguistic data/*
            • Gazetteer of all named places, with short articles and
            links to pictures
            • Co-ordinates of identifiable places to GoogleEarth
            • Map overlays of high-ref 1:20,000 maps of pre-urbanised
            • Flexible timelines which can be altered at key points of
            • Full-text lexicons linked to the lookup dictionaries in
            tagged texts

            */3rd phase: add translation aids and links to modern
            • different possible translations for words and passages
            • differences in manuscripts, with evidence for each variant
            • expositions in modern and older commentaries, articles
            and books

            */4th phase: adds link to extra-biblical literature with
            • search other ancient literature for similar passages in
            a similar context
            • look up Greek and Hebrew words in other ancient literature
            • view ancient texts with translations where possible

            These tools will put centuries of research into the hands
            of non-scholars. When the information is laid open like
            this, it is easy to see that the Bible is well preserved
            and translated, reflecting historical events in real
            places, and dealing with issues current in the ancient and
            modern work alike.

            If you have any more questions or want to get involved,
            please do let me know!

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