
I have avoided asking the translators to translate that help screen because I 
have been meaning to completely redo that screen.  Unfortunately I haven't had 
time to actually do that yet, but that is scheduled for the next release.  Once 
I've redone the search screen, then the help text will be redone & then I'll 
submit it to all the translators!

Thanks for reminding me that that text is still only in English.

Thanks, ybic
        nic...  :)

On 08/09/2010, at 12:26 PM, Pypsik Pypsik wrote:

> Nic,
> sometimes in the future, perhaps we(translators) can translate the "Search 
> Help" text that explains how to search in PocketSword, (i.e loved one, "loved 
> one", love*, etc.) Currently it is only in English, I'd figure it could be 
> helpful to non-English folks to know about the powerful ways that the Bible 
> can be searched.
> Any other translators interested in translating that? 
> If there is interest, then Nic, just send a text in the format that is best 
> for you.
> (Also, the term "loved one" that is used as an example, is that in a context 
> of a verb or a description?, which makes a difference how to word it and 
> explain it in the translation. So that we stay consistant with the example 
> used across the many translations).
> Thanks and God Bless~
> - Pypsik

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