In English, a hyphen is a orthographic convention required when spelling
various compound words:

I imagine the Philippine language Robert is working with has a book name
like "Apostle-Works" (i.e. Acts)

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Jonathan Marsden <>wrote:

> Robert,
> On 9/29/2010 3:57 PM, Robert Hunt wrote:
> > Oh! I guess I've been using hyphenated words in English since I learnt
> > to write. I unthinkingly used it in the word "work-around" ...
> That does not make it a letter.  It just makes it a symbol used during
> writing.  Letters are what make up the alphabet.  The "-" in your word
> work-around is not part of the English alphabet.  It is not a letter in
> English.  It is punctuation.  See the POSIX ispunct() and isalpha()
> functions and what they return.  Less formally, when you learned and
> recited the alphabet in school, did it include "hyphen"?  I rather doubt
> it :)
> Jonathan
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